Langbase: Build and Collaborate on AI Projects

Langbase is an innovative AI infrastructure platform designed to empower developers to create, deploy, and collaborate on AI-driven products with minimal effort. Its unique, serverless composable infrastructure enables AI products to be built faster, without requiring deep expertise in AI or machine learning. Langbase promises to transform how AI products are created by focusing on developers’ needs, allowing them to ship AI features in minutes instead of months. This review delves into Langbase’s key features, usability, and its potential to reshape the AI landscape.

What is Langbase?

Langbase stands out as a serverless, composable AI developer platform tailored for building, collaborating, and deploying AI products. Whether it’s an AI agent or a pipe, Langbase offers a streamlined experience that allows developers to focus on innovation rather than infrastructure. Its core mission is simple: make AI accessible to every developer, not just AI/ML experts.

This developer-friendly AI infrastructure offers unique composability, allowing components to be reused, swapped, and hyper-personalized. Langbase isn’t just for niche users—it’s built for companies of all sizes, offering an unparalleled developer experience without the hassle of configuring multiple tools.

How Does Composable AI Work?

At the heart of Langbase’s offerings is its composable AI system. A good example of its capabilities is an AI Email Agent that can classify, summarize, and respond to messages. Developers can tweak this agent by swapping pipes, selecting different LLMs (Large Language Models), and even personalizing it for specific users. The flexibility of Langbase means it’s not restricted to a one-size-fits-all solution.

With support for 50+ LLMs from leading providers like OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, and others, Langbase ensures that developers can integrate any LLM with ease. The composable AI feature extends to everything—pipes, agents, and even RAG tools (Retrieval-Augmented Generation). This allows AI products to be shipped quickly while still providing ample room for customization.

Key Features of Langbase

Pipe: The AI Powerhouse

Langbase’s Pipe is its core AI agent system. With built-in RAG tools, these pipes function like modular AI components. They can be forked and composable, much like Docker containers or React components for software development. This system allows for rapid development without the need to reinvent the wheel. Each Pipe comes with two APIs: Generate and Chat, making it simple to integrate into any application.

Memory: The Long-Term Solution

Memory in Langbase serves as a managed search engine for developers. Combining vector storage with RAG, Memory ensures that AI agents can access long-term information seamlessly. This feature enhances the contextual power of any AI model, allowing for more meaningful and relevant outputs.

Open Pipes: Collaboration Redefined

In Langbase, collaboration is key. Open Pipes are akin to open-source repositories on GitHub. Developers can share, collaborate, and even deploy public AI components, which reduces redundancy and encourages community-based AI development. With zero inference cost via global semantic CDN caching, Langbase ensures that collaborative efforts are both efficient and cost-effective.

Keysets: Secure API Key Management

Langbase places a strong emphasis on security with its role-based access control (RBAC) system for managing LLM keys. Developers can securely store API keys for various LLMs, granting access at the organizational, user, or Pipe level. This layered security ensures that sensitive information is protected while maintaining ease of access for authorized users.

Langbase: Built for Every Developer

One of Langbase’s most significant advantages is that it caters to all developers, not just AI/ML experts. This is a substantial departure from many other AI infrastructure platforms that require specialized knowledge. Langbase’s platform ensures that existing R&D teams can implement AI features without needing to hire additional AI specialists, effectively reducing time-to-market by 10x.

Versioning and Experiments

Langbase includes a comprehensive versioning system that allows developers to track and manage changes in Pipe configurations. This is invaluable for debugging and iterating on AI features. Additionally, the Experiments feature lets developers evaluate new configurations, LLMs, and even test real user inputs. This system provides an easy way to compare different versions of a Pipe and understand how changes will impact the AI’s performance.

Chunking and RAG Testing

Langbase also offers a managed document chunking system that is designed to handle a wide variety of document formats. Before embedding, documents are split into chunks, and each chunk is embedded separately. Developers can adjust chunking parameters such as chunk length and overlap to optimize performance. This makes managing and processing large documents far easier.

RAG testing is another feature that stands out. It allows developers to run similarity tests without relying on LLMs. This helps in determining which parts of a document are relevant to a given prompt, improving overall accuracy and performance.

LangUI: Custom ChatGPT-Style Agents

Langbase also simplifies chatbot creation through LangUI, an open-source ChatGPT-style chat assistant pipe. LangUI allows developers to quickly deploy a chatbot with any LLM and connect it to various data sources. This one-click deployment feature is perfect for businesses looking to integrate customized chat solutions without dealing with complex coding requirements.

Analytics and Performance Monitoring

Langbase doesn’t doesn’t stop at deployment. It provides comprehensive analytics that offer insights into how AI features and applications are performing. With these tools, developers can track usage patterns, monitor costs, and identify areas for improvement. The platform’s AI-powered clustering widgets also enable automatic user clustering, offering an additional layer of insight.

Pre-Built AI Solutions for Every Industry

Langbase has also made strides in creating pre-built AI solutions tailored to various industries. These solutions are designed to improve workflows, enhance productivity, and unlock new business possibilities. Whether it’s a healthcare-specific AI solution or one tailored for retail, Langbase has a diverse range of offerings that can be customized for specific business needs.

Review Rating: 4.8/5

  • Ease of Use: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)
    Langbase’s zero-config setup and intuitive interface make it incredibly easy for developers to get started, regardless of their level of AI expertise.

  • Flexibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)
    With its composable AI infrastructure and support for 50+ LLMs, Langbase offers unparalleled flexibility for AI development.

  • Performance: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)
    Langbase excels in both performance and scalability, making it ideal for companies of all sizes.

  • Collaboration: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)
    The open-pipe system fosters collaboration like no other, allowing developers to share and improve AI components easily.

  • Security: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5)
    While the RBAC system is robust, further security enhancements could strengthen the platform’s appeal to enterprise users.


Langbase is revolutionizing AI development by making it accessible to every developer, not just AI specialists. With its composable infrastructure, robust feature set, and developer-friendly approach, Langbase is an essential tool for anyone looking to integrate AI into their products. The platform’s flexibility, ease of use, and commitment to collaboration set it apart in the crowded AI space. For developers seeking a powerful and intuitive AI infrastructure, Langbase is the ideal choice.